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I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend ... if you have one.
(George Bernard Shaw, to Winston Churchill)
Cannot possibly attend first night; will attend second, if there is one.
(Churchill's response)
George Bernard Shaw
Translations :
제 연극 초연에 와주십시오. 초대장을 두장 동봉하니 친구분과 함께 오시지요. ... 만약 친구가 있으시다면요. (버나드 쇼가 윈스턴 처칠에게) 초연에는 가기 힘들겠습니다. 둘째 날에 가겠습니다. 만약 그날까지 공연하신다면요. (처칠의 답변)
조지 버나드 쇼
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I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend ... if you have one." <em>— George Bernard Shaw, playwright (to Winston Churchill)</em> "Cannot possibly attend first night; will attend second, if there is one." <em>— Churchill's response</em>
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